Billers, betting and agency banking
Revenue collection?
Billers revenue collection services eliminates manual revenue collection and reduce time wasted queuing at offices for payments. It carters to bill payment categories such as utility payments, airtime, TV subscriptions, insurance, government payments, ticketing, betting etc.
Billers revenue collection services eliminates manual revenue collection and reduce time wasted queuing at offices for payments. It carters to bill payment categories such as utility payments, airtime, TV subscriptions, insurance, government payments, ticketing, betting etc.
It can be integrated with mobile wallets, mobile banking, e-commerce platforms and agents for cash assisted payments.
Agents facilitate payments via POS, app and USSD code
Selcom facilitates the collection and pay-outs of cash or cash-equivalent payments on behalf of betting companies, ensuring smooth and secure financial transactions between bettors and the betting companies.
Selcom’s agency banking platform allows banks and financial institutions to extend their services to underserved niche through Selcom Huduma agents. These agents offer basic financial services such as cash deposit, cash withdrawal, bank statements etc. Agency banking promotes financial inclusion by providing banking services to populations with limited access to traditional banks
Agency banking benefits:
• Acquire and cost-effectively service financially excluded segment of the population at the bottom-of-the-pyramid who cannot afford conventional banking services.
• Mass-market presence and visibility and broader access footprint for customers.
• Diverse touch-points from small shops to supermarkets to petrol stations, resulting in higher and longer hours of availability and enhanced (distributed/aggregated) liquidity.
• Reduced reliance on and requirement to establish a wide brick-and-mortar branch network while allowing a rapid rollout of representation in unserved or underserved areas.
• Reduced requirement of ICT skills and equipment CAPEX, and national interconnectivity for branches.
Selcom Huduma billers